1. True History of
Iai-do (Hidden Truth)
yRzThe Second
Hidden Facti2j
For long, I have paid attention to HAYASHI Roku-dayu Morimasa who
became the 9th headmaster. Especially interesting point is that he was
an instructor of Ise School of Etiquette and also a chief chef of the
Tosa clan. From Hayashi clan, 10th, 12th and 14th headmasters were
produced. Nevertheless, there is no mention of this Hayashi clan in
documents both from legitimate sect and collateral sect. I suspected
there must be something, thus, I started to research as I remarked
From the moment I obtained some copies of Shotoku-ki from Tosa Yamauchi
Family Treasury and Archives, I stepped into the mystery. I was stunned
by a revelation after revelation. I wonder whether collateral sect and
Iai-do instructors in All Japan Kendo Federation knew these.
On October 10th, 5th year of Bunsei (1822), MATSUYOSHI Hachizaemon
Hisamori (previously called YUI Sadasuke) passed away. This person is
recorded as the 11th headmaster in the collateral sect by JYOHACHI.
(collateral sect source says Matsuyoshi was the 12th headmaster.)
From the moment I obtained some copies of Shotoku-ki from Tosa Yamauchi
Family Treasury and Archives, I stepped into the mystery. I was stunned
by a revelation after revelation. I wonder whether collateral sect and
Iai-do instructors in All Japan Kendo Federation knew these.
On October 10th, 5th year of Bunsei (1822), MATSUYOSHI Hachizaemon
Hisamori (previously called YUI Sadasuke) passed away. This person is
recorded as the 11th headmaster in the collateral sect by JYOHACHI.
(collateral sect source says Matsuyoshi was the 12th headmaster.)
Once Jyohachi realized Matsuyoshifs life was closing, he made
Matsuyoshi the first of collateral sect in order to hide his past of
theft and expulsion. Then, he became the second master. Because of this
distortion, the 10th legitimate headmaster HAYASHI Yasudayu (adopted
heir) was eliminated from the genealogy. OHGURO was newly put as the
10th, and Matsuyoshi came the 11th. Jyohachi furthermore named himself
as the 12th. Matsuyoshi was the leader of a group which objected the
adopted heir. Jyohachi thus entangled Ohguro, making him the 10th, and
then Matsuyoshi, who was nothing to do with the Hayashi clan, the first
of the collateral sect. Jyohachi also fabricated the forms, which were
invented by HAYASHI Gozaemon Masayoshi, father of 9th headmaster, as
Ohmori Ryu. He tried to avoid the inquisition by historians. He
pretended that he was an apprentice of Matsuyoshi. In this way, he
believed he could cover up his expulsion, theft and fact that he only
had known a few techniques. His elaborate planning was exposed to this
world by mysterious forces from the legitimate masters.
These have been recorded precisely in documents at YAMAUCHI clan (their
sub-line is called YAMANOUCHI) in Tosa domain. Documents didnft suffer
the fire from the War and preserved until now. Modern technology of fax
and postal system were very convenient.
Here, fake Nakayama Shin-den Ryu which All Japan Kendo Federation
promotes met collateral genealogy, and has brain washed people since
November, 50th year of Showa (1975.) This was distributed from Nippon
Budokan which stands right across from the Imperial Palace. The
Federation knew the collateral sect genealogy had been forged, but it
was too late to stop. They eliminated the HAYASHI clan which
contributed greatly to the world of Iai-do. Much time and money were
spent to cover the forgery. The Federation embraced such Nakayama and
Jyohachifs historical perspective. And reality is that this cult-like
organization continues to exist without any charge. Worldfs preeminent
martial art of Japan, Iai-do has been defamed.
This distorted historical perspective can be proved wrong by two
publications. Dates and their contents make perfectly fit, putting
puzzles together. I have in my hand a copy of Tosa domain Genealogy
(housed at the Kochi Prefectural Library.) It records that HAYASHI
Gozae-mon Masayoshi (previous name was IKEDA), the first of HAYASHI
clan, was promoted to the chief chef in 1660 for the 3rd lord of Tosa
domain. He himself was a son of a master-less samurai, but he had an
ancestor who had served for Minister, ICHIJYO Norifusa. Gozae-mon was
the 6th of Ikeda family. The first of Ikeda family, Bungo, escaped from
Nara Prefecture during the confusion of the War of Ohnin in 1469 (first
year of Bunmei) together with ICHIJYO Fusaie (son of above mentioned
Norifusa.) Bungo also took his son Suke-goro and came to the area
called Nakamura in Tosa. When Bungofs lord went to Hyogo Prefecture, he
followed, leaving his son behind. And there they died in battle.
The name of IKEDA Bungo (ancestor to HAYASHI family) was already
recorded and published in 1981 (56th year of Showa.) Remarkably, in
Budo Taikan(Encyclopedia of Martial Art), Ikeda Bungo was described
that he had not been so enthusiastic about Iai. The person who is the
ancestor of HAYASHI clan had been recorded, meaning, document witnessed
his existence. Also in the Bugei-Ryuha Dai Jiten (Great Dictionary of
Martial art schools) describes HAYASHI Gozae-mon instructed the 9th
headmaster of sword fighting. OHMORI Rokuro-zaemon was mentioned that
he apprenticed to the 7th master, Eishin, and then expelled. Later on,
OHMORI was absolved expulsion by performing 11 forms from the beginners
rank in front of Eishin. This description about expulsion reflects the
situation of Jyohachi.
It is clear that these two publications witnessed the history of
Hayashi clan, and the truth about Jyohachi.
Ifd like to consider how this series of cover-ups was done. We are
getting into an important point. What was the reason why the Federation
didnft want people know? What was the cause, and who found the
evidence? Also lies made by OGASAWARA School of Manner and YAGYU School
have been evident which originated from a certain KAMOfs introductory
book for Iai-do.
Was it Tosa collateral sect (Nakayama group in All Japan Kedo
Federation Kochi office) who did the research, or Budo Taikan and Bugei
Ryu-ha Jiten? One of the hypothesis is that Tosa collateral sect knew
all about the true Hayashi lineage, expulsion of JYOHACHI and birth of
Shin-den Book of Secrets, then had the Budo Taikan and Bugei Ryu-ha
Jiten distort the truth in exchange of some money. Another
hypothesis is that seniors in Budo Taikan and Bugei Ryu-ha Jiten
informed history of Hayashi and JYOHACHI's expulsion to All Japan Kendo
Federation, and then had them buy.
I would like you to recount the memory. Time was after the War. The
20th headmaster, KONO Hyakuren was led into the storeroom of Yamauchi
by SODA Torahiko, collateral sect. There, SODA handed the Tosa Shin-
den Ryu Book of Secret to KONO. (Book of Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu Iai
Heiho was published in 1954, based on this.) At this time, Soda didn't
give him Hayashi genealogy.
Did Soda know the lineage or not? I assumed he knew. Collateral sect
came to an agreement that they would cover up Jyohachi's distortion of
Hayashi genealogy. Nakayama of course acknowledged it. He already knew
the fact when he called himself as master of Shin-den Ryu school. He
probably bought it. Collateral sect made use of the 20th headmaster
Kono Hyakuren in order to inform Shin- den Ryu widely to the public. We
can no longer understand the deceased Kono Hyakuren's sorrow. He left
his last will, leaving the research to his younger generations. And I
succeeded this will.
Nakayama did not want the true Hayashi genealogy and Tosa Shin-den Ryu
Book of Secret which Yamakawa forged go public. Otherwise, Nakayama and
Shin-den Ryu couldn't stand. He would no longer be able to pay off to
All Japan Kendo Federation. Thus, DANZAKI, Nakayama's apprentice,
recovered. He collected from brainwashed Kendo learners and readers of
Budo Taikan and Bugei Ryu-ha Jiten. A famous writer MISHIMA Yukio was
one of them. (He bought forged MAGOROKU in Seki sword for tens of
millions of yen, and killed himself in Ichigaya.)
Now the truth that have been kept secret for long time became evident.
Our reader finally realized how the Hayashi genealogy had been
distorted. No one could have guessed it.
Furthermore, this conspiracy plan which a certain KAMO wrote in the
Introduction to Iai-do was succeeded to All Japan Kendo Federation. In
December, 50th year of Showa (1975), the 20th headmaster KONO Hyakuren
passed away. The Federation was certain that the newly established
organization by Kono, All Japan Iai-do Federation, would split after
Konofs death. Therefore, Kendo Federation carefully planned a
deception. All Japan Kendo Federation used Ski Journal Publishing as
its running dog. The company planned to publish Kendo Monthly. The
Federation prepared by receiving special admission at the Japan
National Railways on December 16th, 50th year of Showa, and distributed
the journal at stores in major stations along the Yamanote-line.
Then, based on the number of distribution at stores in stations in
metropolitan area, it applied for the third class mail service to the
Japan Post Office. This was admitted next year on February 5th, 51th
year of Showa. (this service gives discounts of postal costs.)
Kendo Monthly was formatted its style as a regular magazine and kept
distributed in bookstores in Japan. This continued for 33 years,
forcing wrong history education. Naive and obsessed Kendo learners and
general public were led into this cult, and had no way out. The future
and stability of this cult depends on whether a great punishment awaits
or not.
Over the years, the fake Iai-do was to be completed, but now, the
secret has been discovered. Originated from the Kendo Monthly article
in November, 1975, which described Nakayama as the 15th headmaster,
itfs function is going to bring the curtain down.
I recalled a statement in Britannica which says any race without the
knowledge of its history would be equal to a slave. Now, a race which
was impressed by intentionally distorted history wouldnft even be
called a slave. For a long time, public, less than a slave, as animal,
was exploited financially (payment for taking promotion tests and
attending seminars.) Not only that, we were exploited mentally. John
Locke in Great Britain says in his Two Treatises of Government that
people possess natural rights to defend themselves. Liberty and
Independence are to be obtained.
Jan Jacques Rousseau in France advocated importance of education. One
with no education would become a slave without recognizing. One with no
education wouldnft recognize being exploited. The cult forces to put
public under control with impression and excitement using the
fabricated documents. Now the sad history was proved. What would be the
future of those Kendo practitioners who are physically and mentally
sound, but obsessed with wrong history? Both crooks in Tosa and
Edo will continue to bear this disgraced historical truth forever. Now,
all swordsmen need to say farewell to this fake Iai-do, and then make
an effort to inherit and preserve this right and historic school.
I sometimes wonder how they generated fund for this conspiracy plan. It
must have needed tens of millions of yen for publishing. Usually
journals dealing with martial arts are not distributed much, thus most
likely in red figure. The Federation forced each branch and educational
institutions to buy copies even though it had no value. The rest of the
copies were sent to bookstores in Japan, and eventually, they get moldy
and discarded. This fund was originated from peoplefs tax. The
Federation used governmental grant for this conspiracy and forced its
fabricated history to people. For a long time, I believed in the
content of this monthly journal. No way!